Enable Alerts

Get notified (via email, SMS, and/or in-app alerts) about the account activity that matters most to you.

Written By Michelle

Updated on February 2nd, 2023

TripWorks account users can receive notifications for a wide variety of account actions, such as new trips being reserved, e-commerce customers abandoning cart before completing their purchase, customer emails bouncing, suspected credit card fraud activity, account health reports being ready for review, and much more.

For most alerts offered in your TripWorks dashboard, you have the option to enable notifications via email, SMS (text message), and/or the in-app alerts center:

Email Alerts

Users opted in to email alerts will receive those alerts to the same email address that is provided under the Profile tab of their user profile. To access user profiles, go to More > Discover More, then choose the Team Members link.


SMS Alerts

Users opted in to SMS alerts will receive text messages to the same phone number that is provided under the Profile tab of their user profile. To access user profiles, go to More > Discover More, then choose the Team Members link.


In-App Alerts

Users opted in to app alerts will receive those notifications via the in-app alerts center, which can be accessed by selecting the Bell icon then choosing the Alerts tab.


Enable Alerts

  1. From the toolbar, select More > Discover More, then choose the Team Members link.
  2. Select the team member whose alert settings you want to update.
  3. Navigate to the Alerts tab in the sub-toolbar.
  4. Update the Email, SMS, and App checkboxes to reflect which alerts you want enabled.

  5. Choose the Save button.