Abandoned Carts & Tracking Conversions

Learn how to track abandoned cart conversions.

Written By Melanie

Updated on October 7th, 2024

Tracking abandoned cart conversions is a crucial feature that allows you to see how many potential customers begin the booking process but don’t complete it, and how many of those incomplete bookings eventually turn into confirmed purchases. With our Abandoned Cart tool, you can capture draft bookings and track these conversions using the Sales Conversion report. 


Video Walkthrough 


Learn More About Abandoned Carts 

Visit TripWorks University to explore in-depth information about our Abandoned Cart functionality and how it can help you recover lost bookings.




What is an Abandoned Cart? 

When a customer starts the booking process but leaves before completing their purchase, this is considered an “abandoned cart.” Here’s how the process typically works:

1. Customer Starts a Booking: The customer interacts with your booking widget but leaves before finalizing the payment.

2. Triggering an Abandoned Cart: Your account automatically flags this as an abandoned cart, capturing the customer’s information such as their email address and phone number if provided during the checkout process.

3. Sending Automated Follow-Up Emails: A series of automated abandoned cart emails are sent to the customer, reminding them to complete their booking and offering them a link to continue from where they left off. 

4. Tracking Conversion: If the customer selects the link in one of the automated emails and completes the booking, this action is tracked as a conversion.

5. Reporting on Conversions: The Conversion Report provides detailed analytics on how many abandoned carts were converted into sales.  



How to View Abandoned Carts in Your Dashboard

Abandoned carts are labeled as “Draft” trips within your account. To view them:

  1. Go to the Sales tab.
  2. Look for the clock icon next to grayed-out trips 




How to View Your Abandoned Cart Conversion Report

The Sales Conversion report provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of the abandoned cart feature and its impact on your overall sales.

  1.  Select Reports from the toolbar


  1. Navigate to the Sales section from the left menu and choose Conversions


From this report, you can measure the additional revenue generated by the abandoned cart feature, track conversions, and see how many lost sales were recovered through your follow-up efforts